Tanya’s Legacy

Tanya's Legacy

Tanya’s Legacy

Tanya Isaac was always helping people at school, in the church and throughout the community. When she was diagnosed with cancer and facing surgery after surgery—six in three months—people willingly stepped up to return the favor. Because of this support, she and her husband, Phil, were able to navigate the health system and all that a cancer diagnosis entails—physically, financially and emotionally. When they would receive help of any type—from meals, to household help, to financial gifts—Tanya would often ask, “How will I ever pay people back?”

At age 41, after a short and difficult battle with cancer, Tanya lost her fight. But her circle of friends was determined to answer her question. The Tanya Isaac Foundation was established to help cancer patients in Speedway navigate their way through the aid and assistance available to them—and pay it forward in memory of Tanya Isaac.